Kitties (Players)

Kitties are the team’s players, introduced by NFT assets owned by game players. Kitties serve as an income generator, allowing a player to earn MEOW Token ($MEOW) by winning games.

Kitties NFTs are not simply a beautiful and rare collectible, they are an in-game asset that affects the ability to play and win matches.

Each Kitty NFT has a unique DNA composed of its' Appearance, Trainable Abilities, and Special Moves.

Appearance: Each Kitty's appearance is derived from a DNA pool of countless possible traits ranging from common to rare, making each Kitty's appearance truly unique. Generation Zero of the Kitties will be limited to 1111 out of nearly 4 Billion possible permutations, illustrating the rarity of each NFT.

The more rare a Kitty NFT is, the higher its “Alpha Factor”, which increases the Kitty's ability to perform Special Moves.

Trainable abilities: Each Kitty has four main abilities:

  1. Evasiveness

  2. Combo Damage

  3. Mobility

  4. Wall Carry

  5. Throw Game

Each Kitty is born with an initial and a maximum potential score for each ability. A rare kitty NFT will have a high initial score for any of his abilities and/or a high potential score. Each kitty also has the ability to perform combination and special moves. When Kitties consume in-game items - their scores improve.

Elements: Kitties are also born with unique factors, or elements, for each of their actions. For example, some Kitties will have a better factor when kicking from the left side of the field compared to other Kitties. Other unique factors may include Dribble, Courage, and more.

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